This training membership is unlike any other! It’s for the woman who wants workouts she can follow on her own - but knows there’s intention behind them & they’re aligned specifically with her goals!
Instead of getting random, monthly workouts provided to you each month (like most monthly subscription training apps) with our training membership, you get access to a variety of pre-built programs that you sign up for & follow - in the order you desire (or we have suggested roadmaps you can opt for).
This allows you to strategically pick your phases & get those delivered right to your training app to follow each month!
✔ F4L Coaching App Access: App access with the ability to track all of your progress, including your training stats (i.e. reps/load) & body stats (i.e. weight, progress photos).
✔ F4L Community Chat & Monthly Calls: For support, motivation, discussion, & announcements.
✔ Progressive Training Programs: Select the programs you want to complete based on your goals.
Beginner Basics
Metabolic (Fat Loss)
Physique Development (Muscle building)
Physique Development (Glute Growth Focused)
Strength Level 1
Strength Level 2
✔ Gym-Based Workouts: 4 sessions per week with notes for simple swaps & effective modifications for limited gym equipment.
Many phases include an optional 5th session.
✔ 3-Month Initial Commitment Followed by a Month-to-Month Subscription
After the initial 3 months, you are automatically locked in to continue monthly. At that point, you can cancel anytime with a written cancellation via emailing our team at flourishforlifecoaching@gmail.com.
We require 14 days notice (cancel 2 weeks before your next bill)
✔ Investment: [SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY RATE] Get locked in at $37.50 USD/month for your first 6 months (less than $1.25/day) when you join now! In month 7, it will automatically update to the standard pricing of $43.50.
SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER IF YOU COMMIT TO 1-YEAR: Make an upfront annual payment of $392.00 to get 3 MONTHS FREE! So you sign up for 12 months for the price of 9. Lock in this deal HERE.
This automatically renews annually unless you provide written cancellation via email (to our team at flourishforlifecoaching@gmail.com) at least 14 days before your annual bill date.