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✖ Following a routine for a couple of weeks, not seeing the results you want, and then losing all motivation & giving up?

✖ Feeling overwhelmed or unsure about your ability to prioritize your physical & mental health?

Obstacles popping up, totally derailing you, & feeling like you’ve ruined all of your hard-earned progress?


✔ You had a routine you could confidently follow, with support & accountability to keep you on track, so you can stick with it to finally see incredible results.

✔ You understood exactly what you need to do, with your training, nutrition, & habits, so you feel completely in control & on the right track.

✔ You know what to do in various situations & have a plan in place for when the unexpected occurs, so you can stay the course & make yourself proud!




to help you take control and build a routine that you’re able to follow and feel good about, day in & day out.




1. Initial Assessment

  • Starting with our initial call (that you’ll book below when you apply), we discuss your goals, training history, dieting experience, preferences, lifestyle, & schedule.

  • We want to learn all about you so we can fully support you & ensure we’re the best fit to help you achieve your goals.

2. Customized Training Program

  • With the information from our assessment, your coach will create a customized training program that is 100% tailored to you! Your goals, experience level, available gym equipment, & schedule are all considered.

  • Your program is provided through the F4L coaching app — and fully supports you via exercise demonstration videos for every single exercise, individualized training notes, & other training variables (sets/reps, rest intervals, tempo).

  • Travel & home workout accommodations are provided, as needed.

3. Individualized Nutrition Plan

  • Calorie & macro targets are calculated specifically for your body and goals.

  • Adjustments, support, & accountability from your coach, to help you consistently hit your targets.

  • Education & resources are also provided along the way to help you gain a better understanding of nutrition — so you finally understand how to fuel your body for your health & body goals.


  • Lifetime access to the Flourish for Life educational course which is filled with videos & downloadable resources — covering all things training, nutrition, goal setting, behavior change, mindset, & more!

  • The goal is for you to have a solid understanding of important topics so you can continue to see & maintain results on your own.


  • Weekday access to your coach so you are consistently supported & never go another day with questions unanswered. We’re by your side the entire way!

  • Weekly check-ins — where you fill out a form to give your coach lots of info. Then, you receive a thorough check-in response from your coach (sent via a video recording at the start of each week) for accountability, education, & guidance.

  • Calls (as needed; up to one per month) for progress reports, goal review, & further education.

  • Group chat (in-app) with community discussion.

  • Monthly community calls — for additional support, education, & motivation.


Applying for a call is a zero-pressure process, we promise! Booking a call does not commit you to anything.

Rather, it’s a chance for you to learn more about F4L Coaching, receive some pointers from our Coaches, & make your own decision if it feels like the right fit for you.

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Working with a fitness and nutrition coach requires investing in yourself. We are working with you 1-1 to ensure you’re supported and held accountable so you actually follow through on the things required to reach your goals. We also want you to understand that investing in a coach is a powerful experience. You are showing yourself that you believe in your abilities and are honoring your body, mind, and overall health. If anyone else needs to be a part of the decision-making process (i.e. spouse or parent), they are welcome and encouraged to join the consult call.

We offer a variety of coaching packages so we can find one that best fits your needs and budget. The investment depends on the coach you work with & what package we decide is best for you. We have investment options ranging from $265-445 per month. Remember our coaching is EXTREMELY customized & detailed (you do get what you pay for when it comes to anything - especially your health & your body). You are FULLY supported by your coach & are getting our time, energy, & expertise. We use a secure payment service to process monthly payments so there is no large upfront charge, instead, you have a monthly bill date.

HSA/FSA Reimbursement: Eligible clients can use Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds for reimbursement on F4L Coaching (resulting in an average savings of 30-40%). Ask us how to qualify if you’d like to explore this option!

BONUS: If you are loving the support and results with 1-1 coaching (which is our goal for you), you are locked in to continue as long as you’d like! However, whenever you feel ready for the next step and can handle working towards your goals with a bit more independence, you have the option to join the Legacy Program. This is a monthly training membership that removes the 1-1 support but still provides you structured workouts through the training app, at a much lower monthly rate (less than $2.00/day). This is an exclusive training opportunity for clients only.


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  • We typically work with women who come to us with both physique and performance goals (building muscle, fat loss, gaining strength, establishing healthier habits, finding confidence in the gym). The majority of our clients have some experience with training (i.e. have been to the gym before and are comfortable going alone if they have the support of my training app to guide them) and some have nutrition experience, but many do not, and we help them get started on that journey. Our clients live busy lives and have multiple responsibilities that we take into consideration - full-time students, 9-5 corporate careers, entrepreneurs, nurses, mothers, caretakers, and the list goes on.

    All clients spend at least 6 months with us, however, the majority continue beyond that. The average period clients work with us is currently 8-12 months! However, it’s totally dependent on your situation and what you are comfortable with. No matter how long you stay, our goal is to make every single week valuable so we make the most of our time together.

  • NO! Not with our coaching program. Every week you are expected to submit a detailed check-in form (our training app will remind you & send you the link every Sunday). Then, every Monday & Tuesday is dedicated to client check-in responses. You will always hear from your coach within 24-48 hours of your submission. Our responses include:

    • Loom Video Recordings with a detailed explanation of topics & screen share (to review progress, data, etc.)

    • Regular in-app messaging with your coach & with our community

    • Training & nutrition adjustments

    • Positive feedback & constructive criticism (room for improvement)

    • Insight on your biofeedback markers (training performance, energy, hunger, cravings, sleep quality, stress, motivation, mindset…this is one of the main things that makes our approach a lifestyle-based program - we look at the whole picture)

    • Additional resources (specific guides such as macro-friendly recipes, protein snack ideas, exercise form videos, and educational course video suggestions)

  • We will never take on more than 35 clients at a time (per coach). Having a maximum limit allows us to show up our best for each and every client. Our rates are what they are because (well, for one, they’re right around the current industry standard) we are going to FULLY serve you. If you need daily messaging, we’re here to answer. If you need adjustments when an exercise does not feel right with your body, we will make that adjustment immediately. We are here to help you find solutions to your training/nutrition obstacles and truly transform your body and life. We take our role and energy very seriously so when our clients invest in us, they feel seen, heard, and like it’s 100% worth it.

  • Yes! Our Owner & head Coach Jamie is a Functional Health Coach and supports the entire F4L Coach Team with holistic support & protocols for a variety of considerations.

    We have experience working with clients who have: hypothyroidism, kidney considerations, hormonal imbalances (i.e. estrogen dominance; post-pill imbalances), PCOS, hypertension, pre-diabetes, previous injuries, and joint considerations, as well as dietary considerations such as gluten-free, dairy-free, and plant-based.

    As much as we want to help any and everyone, we will not take on something that is out of our scope of practice. For example, we are not licensed to work with eating disorders nor are we qualified to diagnose or rehab injuries. On our initial call, we make sure to dive into all of your health considerations, training experience, and diet history. You might not even notice it, but we are screening you to ensure we are the best fit and that we are qualified to support you!

    FUN FACT: Coach Jamie spent a year on a gluten-free diet; Coach Cassie spent a few years following a plant-based diet; Coach Katie has spent time on an elimination diet & detox protocols (experiencing gluten-free & dairy-free for a period of time) - so we all have experience in these realms and are confident in helping our clients who have similar dietary preferences and/or restrictions.

  • The two main differences here are customization and accountability.

    Customization: When a training program does not take into consideration your specific considerations such as goals, schedule, training experience, and preferences, it’s no surprise when you don’t stick with it. It wasn’t made for YOU to succeed! The difference with the training program you receive from us is that we are creating it for you and are here to adjust and re-configure as needed (i.e. need travel accommodations? We got you. Fell off track last week and don’t know what to do? We will help you understand the best way to get back on track and re-organize your workouts so you can head into the new week with a solid plan and confidence). The first thing you do in my client onboarding process is to fill out a detailed questionnaire with ALL of your lifestyle and training/diet history information so we can get a crystal-clear understanding of your experience and current situation. This allows us to create a realistic and flexible plan to fit your lifestyle.

    Accountability: Opening up a PDF templated program is not nearly the same as having a person right there by your side. Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t stick with a training program that you randomly or impulsively downloaded from the internet. The moment that someone else is involved (us as your coach), everything changes! Being held accountable is the glue that holds everything together. Every time you complete a workout OR every time you miss a workout, our training app notifies us. We stay up-to-date with your performance and are able to reach out to provide support and accountability as needed. With our 1-1 coaching program, you are never alone. We will help you work through various situations and stick with them long-term.

  • Yes! Eligible customers can get reimbursed for F4L Coaching with pre-tax dollars, resulting in an average savings of 30-40%.

    We’re partnered with TrueMed to allow you to submit claims to your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for reimbursement on F4L Coaching.