I’ve spent the past 4-5 years building my exercise library slowly over time and TBH it’s NOT a small task. I recognize that not everyone has the ability or bandwidth to do the same so I’ve decided to make the majority of my videos accessible to the public. My mission is to help women feel empowered, strong, and confident - in their bodies and in the gym so if having quality demo videos helps more women, then I am so here for it!

You can find all of the videos on my YouTube, organized in different playlists. I’ve linked each below. You can also subscribe to my YouTube for all updates and new videos!

Feel free to hyperlink the videos into your programs or directly link them to your Trainerize app (or other Training software) if they support YouTube videos. There’s minimal branding and each video gets right into the exercise. I highly recommend adding your own descriptions and specific cues/pointers that you think will be valuable to your clientele.